The youth of a nation are its real strength. They are full of energy. They have the power to act. Thus they can play a major role in the development of the nation. They can help to increase production in all field of agriculture and industry. They can help in the field of power generation , information technology and space research. In sort, there is no field in which the youth can' play their constructive role. They can translate dreams into reality. The youth are full of idealism. They can use their idealism to fight the evils that are eating into the vital of the nation . These evils include corruption, black marketing, communalism, terrorism, female foeticide and the dowry system. If these evils are eradicated, the nation will start progressing tepidly on the course of development. In fact, the youth are the pillars of the nation. But it is important that these pillars are sturdy and well-build. They should be well-educated and well informed about the latest development in the world. They should be given their due place of honour in society. They should be given their due role in the building of the nation.
 Power by 
Thought Bazzar
And inspirational Thoughts

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